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Our Club
The North East Tarrant Amateur Radio Club (NETARC) is based in Southlake, Texas, and draws its members from Grapevine, Keller, Colleyville as well as many other cities throughout the Northeast part of Tarrant County, Texas. The club was founded in 1999 and formed by the merger of the former Grapevine and Southlake Amateur Radio Clubs. NETARC is a 501 (c) (3) organization.
The focus of NETARC is providing Amateur Radio operators the ability to expand in their preferred use of communications by learning and exchange of information amongst the members. There are several special interest groups (see below) to lead that effort.
Training: The club conducts Amateur Radio license training courses for anyone seeking a new license. See Calendar page for training dates or contact us for dates and times.
Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Southlake DPS East facility on 600 State Street. Park along the south side of the new facility and enter up the stairs on the east end to the community room. Anyone and everyone are welcome.
The Membership fee is $25.00 per year. New members are always welcome! To pay annual dues or make any other donation, click on the Q Code below with your smartphone to take you to your PayPal site. A direct link to PayPal is https://www.paypal.com/donate/
The club operates in the Southlake Emergency Operations Center, the Keller EOC, and the Grapevine EOC. We work with Tarrant County RACES, 146.940, during emergency operations.
The members of the club participate in public service activities, such as bicycle races, car rallies, foot races, triathlons, and other events that need radio communications. We have participated in the ARRL Field Day for several years, setting up in the Gazebo at Southlake Town Square or the Southlake EOC. Members are active in RACES, ARES, SkyWarn, APRS, balloon chasing, contesting, DX, Mesh, as well as other activities.
If you or your organization would like radio communications for your event, contact us and we will be glad to discuss the opportunity with you.
Our Story
The club has 5 repeaters.
All analog repeaters have the encode and decode PL of 110.9 (tone in 110.9, tone out 110.9).
The primary repeater is at 442.175 + (tone in 110.9, tone out 110.9).
This repeater is used during local emergency and storm related operations and is located in Southlake.
A second repeater is on 444.700 + (tone in 110.9, tone out 110.9).
and located in Keller.
Repeaters located in Grapevine are at 145.400 - and 443.875 + (tone in 110.9, tone out 110.9).
All of these repeaters are open for use by any licensed amateur radio operator.
The last 3 repeaters also have the Yaseu Fusion digital capability.
The 5th repeater is a Digital Mobile Repeater [DMR] running on 440.500
The color codes and talk groups are connected on the DMR-MARC network and allow talking locally or around the globe on the over 500 DMR-MARC connected repeaters.
Please see dmrtexas.net for additional information.
146.570 no tone
446.050 no tone
NETARC EOC Frequency Use Plan: See EOC Frequency Use Page
Special Interest Groups
(Contacts Available at Club Meetings)
Group | Topic | ||
Analog Radio | Programming | ||
APRS | Trackers usage | ||
AREDN | Ham Wi-Fi Mesh | ||
Camping with Radios | Local activity for HF | ||
Contesting | How to enjoy contesting | ||
Digital Radio | Programing DMR radios | ||
DxPedition | Travel to remote location HF | ||
HF Digital | Digital activity on HF | ||
QRP | Low power HF | ||
SOTA | Summits on the Air | ||
Home Group | Gateway Church Members | ||
Raspberry PI | Pi for Radio |